Content Analysis of Statistics and Probability in the Intermediate Stage Mathematics Textbooks in Saudi Arabia in the Light of Common-core Mathematics Standards
CCSSM, Common Core, mathematics, Content Analysis, Statistics and Probability, Grades seven and eightAbstract
This study aimed at the content analysis of statistics and probability according to Common
Core Standards (CCSSM) in Mathematics textbooks assigned for the intermediate stage in
Saudi Arabia. To achieve this goal, a descriptive methodology was utilized through a content
analysis approach. The population and the sample of this study included mathematics textbooks
of both seven and eight grades in Saudi Arabia. To answer the study questions, the frequencies,
percentages, and Chi-Square were used to compare the sub-standards of statistics and
probability in each and both textbooks.
The analysis reveals that the grade seven mathematics textbook represented Statistics and
probability standards with different percentages; the substandard "Represent sample spaces for
compound events using methods such as organized lists, tables, and tree diagrams" represented
the highest rank with 39.5%, while the sub-standard "Generate multiple samples (or simulated
samples) of the same size to gauge the variation in estimates or predictions" was completely
neglected in that textbook.
For the grade eight mathematics textbook, the analysis reveals that the textbook
represented only one grade eight statistics and probability standard as well as four grade seven
standards in a deeper discussion. Generally speaking, there were variations in representing the
standards when grade seven textbooks compared to grade eight textbooks.
According to the results, the researcher recommended that textbook authors have to be
aware of the new common core standards and try to include them when modifying the