Metaphor in the Holy Qur'an in the Light of Islamic Theology, Linguistics, and Rhetoric"
Miracle – Theology – Metaphor – Islamic Theology – RhetoricAbstract
The topic of the miraculous nature of the Qur'an remains timeless, never becoming outdated,
and its miraculous nature is indisputable. The Qur'an was revealed among people who were
masters of the language, challenging them to a level they could not match. Scholars have been
engrossed in everything related to the Qur'an, both theoretically and practically. The issue of
metaphor in the Qur'an has intrigued theologians and linguists, affecting interpretations,
affirmations, and denials, thereby changing and shaping different understandings.
The concept of metaphor has various pathways in the sciences related to Islam and its legislation,
engaging theologians, linguists, rhetoricians, and scholars in other fields that see words as either
establishing or negating rulings and understanding. This research explores the viewpoint of those
who deny the existence of metaphor in the Qur'an, considering it from doctrinal, rhetorical, and
linguistic angles. Theology forms the basis and structure of religion, rhetoric is one of the most
significant aspects of the miraculous nature of the Qur'an, and language is the vessel through
which words are formed and sentences are structured. The exploration of metaphor spans various
sciences, including theology, rhetoric, and language, which is the focus of this research. The idea
of metaphor has its deniers within the context of the Qur'an, raising questions such as:
1. How does doctrinal metaphor differ from rhetorical and linguistic metaphor?
2. What is the rhetorical and linguistic necessity for metaphor in the Qur'an?
The research aimed to answer these questions using both the inductive method and the
descriptive-analytical method.
Among the findings:
1. Theologians resorted to the concept of metaphor for certain verses where a literal
interpretation would not be appropriate.
2. Affirming or denying metaphor does not affect the miraculous nature of the Qur'an,
including its unique meanings, structures, and words.
3. Those who denied metaphor theoretically ended up using it in practice, ultimately
aligning with those who accepted it.
The recommendations included emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary studies among
different sciences.