
  • Dr. Jyothi Pawar
  • Dr. Shrawan Owhal
  • Dr Bharati Ranjit Kumar
  • Dr. Shalini Maruti Swamy


Employee Performance, and Job Satisfaction. Job satisfaction, training, and development,


One of the most challenging aspects of managing a workforce is job satisfaction. Numerous
studies have shown an abnormally strong relationship between job satisfaction and employee
motivation, and that the level of motivation affects both productivity and, in turn, the
effectiveness of corporate organizations. The investigation into how training and development
affect employee happiness in industrial companies. Every company's key resource is its
workforce. To carry out the tasks effectively and efficiently, every organization needs
employees who have received the necessary training. Organizations' ongoing processes are
what contribute to the expansion of its members' capacities, knowledge, and skills. For
employees to successfully contribute to the success of the company and to their own personal
wellness, work-life balance is a crucial factor. The purpose of this study was to examine
Training And Development's Effect On Employee Satisfaction. A sample of 250 workers from
the manufacturing sector was compiled and impartially examined.


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How to Cite

Dr. Jyothi Pawar, Dr. Shrawan Owhal, Dr Bharati Ranjit Kumar, & Dr. Shalini Maruti Swamy. (2024). AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT’S EFFECT ON EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES IN PUNE MIDC AREA. Acta Scientiae, 7(1), 122–131. Retrieved from


