The Hadith as a Criterion for Linguistic Accuracy and Eloquence (A Linguistic and Rhetorical Study)
linguistic accuracy, eloquence, rhetoric, Hadith.Abstract
Summary The significance of this research lies in studying the relationship between
linguistic accuracy and eloquence, and the stance of ancient and modern scholars on the
Hadith (Prophetic traditions) as a criterion for linguistic correctness and eloquence. The
study explores whether scholars accept, reject, or take a moderate position on this issue.
Additionally, the research aims to favor - with scientific evidence - what seems
appropriate in this matter to benefit the Arabic language in the modern era. The study
seeks to achieve several outcomes, most notably: clarifying the concepts of linguistic
accuracy and correctness, defining eloquence and its relation to linguistic correctness, and
highlighting the differing viewpoints of ancient and modern scholars on this criterion.
The research exemplifies these differing perspectives among modern scholars and
justifies the chosen stance, relying on various methodologies interwoven throughout the
research process. These methodologies include the deductive approach, following the
inductive method to explore the opinions of some ancient and modern scholars on the
studied issue, to clarify the matter. The analytical method was also used to analyze the
cited texts, explain their contexts and meanings, and to determine what the research deems
appropriate in the matter. The study reached several conclusions, among the most
important of which are: the viewpoints of ancient scholars did not differ significantly
from those of modern scholars regarding the Hadith's criteria for linguistic correctness,
although the approach to the issue varied somewhat. Additionally, the Arabic Language
Academy took a moderate stance on the issue in most of its considerations. The research
concluded that the authenticity of the Hadith, regardless of its varying degrees of
authenticity in terms of chain and content, is sufficient for it to be used as evidence in the
field of language.